My first school observation

Hi everyone In yesterday's blog I shared my own school going experience, it will help you to understand the things I will write about now. In our course this year it was a requirement to do school observation for two weeks before university starts. We had to arrange with a school ourselves and it was suggested to go to a school different from the one we attended. When I was grade 10 we moved from Town 1 to Town 2 which is within driving distance from my high school and university. Reading the requirements, I decided I would try to go do my school observation at a school close to my house. These is a school very close to my house that is very different from the one I attended. The school has about 1260 learners, where I am used to 650. The school was both English and Afrikaans. The learners are coloured and black and travel to school, either by taxis or train. The school doesn't have a hostel like the school I attended, but has different sports that I'm not fami...