
Showing posts from June, 2018

My first school observation

Hi everyone In  yesterday's blog I shared my own school going experience, it will help you to understand the things I will write about now. In our course this year it was a requirement to do school observation for two weeks before university starts. We had to arrange with a school ourselves and it was suggested to go to a school different from the one we attended.  When I was grade 10 we moved from Town 1 to Town 2 which is within driving distance from my high school and university. Reading the requirements, I decided I would try to go do my school observation at a school close to my house. These is a school very close to my house that is very different from the one I attended. The school has about 1260 learners, where I am used to 650. The school was both English and Afrikaans. The learners are coloured and black and travel to school, either by taxis or train. The school doesn't have a hostel like the school I attended, but has different sports that I'm not fami...

My own school experience

Hi everyone Knowing what my own school experience has been is important for this blog as it has shaped me into who I am today as well as the experiences I've had in life. From several of our class discussions during this year it was easy to see that in South Africa, not only is this country very diverse but we've all had different opportunities and experiences in life. Our country has been through Apartheid that has affected many of us in ways some of us might not even be aware of, me included. I was born in 1995 post Apartheid. Let's not get into that too much for now, here is my own school going experience. Some background I attended primary school and high school in Town 1 full of people with wealth that are mostly white. I'm not from a wealthy family at all and we struggled for years to make ends meet. We didn't live close to the school as the neighbourhood surrounding the school was where all the rich people lived in there huge houses. Instead, ...