18 July: Day 2
Hi everyone
Today was Day 2 of my school observation. I was in the staff room early and made myself a cup of coffee, this is nice not because of the coffee but then you get to greet the teachers and the principal always sees you. We students sit on the right hand side of the podium where the principal addresses the staff. It kind of feels like the naughty corner as we don't have a table yet but only chairs.
I went to Accounting classes at Miss S most of the day and to one of Mr ML's classes at the end of the day. I was, and still am, a bit stressed about Accounting as I've never taught or learnt it in English. But the teacher is very relaxed, answers all of my questions and she's an amazing teacher. She has been teaching for several years now and the children love her. They enjoy her stories, participate in class and listens to her without her having to discipline them all the time. It was an absolute pleasure to be in her class today and I wish she was my teacher in school.
I have to start teaching some time soon, but for Accounting the other teacher is still busy with the term planning and I don't want to start teaching in the middle of the current chapter. I'm not going to lie, I am a bit scared as Accounting is a subject you definitely can't wing and our lesson plans are about six pages long. I will teach a grade 10 class that is mostly English and has about three Afrikaans learners. Today, I've been going through the textbook, making summaries for myself about the work so I can know exactly what is going on. But it feels like I can't do a lot until the teacher has the planning for the term, so that I can see what needs to be covered in each lesson and what excises should be completed so that I can do proper lesson planning. Teaching strategies for these lessons seems easily enough.
For Math Lit, on the other hand, I will also teach a grade 10 class. I saw the term planning today and the amount of work that needs to be covered in every lesson is so little and the work is so straightforward that I struggle to see what kind of teaching strategies I can really use. The teacher teaches straight from the textbook.
In preparation, I'm going to revise all the teaching strategies that we have learned about last semester to see which I can use. I will also continue to work through the Accounting and Math Lit work.
I am the liason student for the students from my university, but today the liason teacher said I should look after the other students as well. The principal is also calling me "Hoofmeisie" (head girl) which makes me feel special and responsible in some way.
Stressing but also looking forward to what is going to happen as this practical continues, back to work for me.
Have a great day
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