17 July: First day of school practical
Hi everyone
Today was my first day at the school where I do my practical. It is a bit hard to get back into routine. I had to get up at 05:30 to be at school 07:15. The teachers are all very friendly and welcoming. The liason teacher is very relaxed, which makes us all relaxed. We had a very relaxed first period where we had a lovely chat with the liason teacher sorting out some admin.
The rest of the day I was in the class my Math Lit mentor teacher (Mr ML). I am very happy with this mentor teacher as I know him from my school observation. He has been teaching for a few years, I like the way he keeps discipline in his class without shouting and I feel I can learn a lot from him.
Mr ML taught all day and didn't treat this first day of school as the first day but as a normal school day. The children were calm and worked. Of course there were classes that talked constantly but never disruptive. The grade 9 Maths class were so quiet I thought something was wrong, as they are always believed to be a bit louder and harder to work with.
Today, was just a long boring day because I don't have any assignments to do for this week. We received the school's important dates. I also read through our notes and what is expected from us during this school practical. The school's internet is also not working at the moment, which makes it hard for the teachers to do their work and to give us the timetables we need.
I'm sure things will pick up from tomorrow onwards or at least from next week. We have assignments and might be teaching from next week.
Have a great day
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