Good experiences during school practical

Hi everyone Good experiences, can be good lessons, funny moments and secret moments shared between a teacher and a student. Good lessons to me are when learners stop me and tell me, please go back or your are too fast. It makes me feel like I am doing something right. Because they care, listen and are self-regulating. These are the things we want to teach our learners, we want them to become the best people that they could be. Funny moments can be when I make a lame joke and the class laughs for me with me. Something that also happens every day, is when I make a mistake. It can be using the wrong term or calculation errors. I handle this in two ways, I either say oops I was testing to see if you were paying attention (assessing if the class understands and pay attention) or I just say I was wrong, this shows the class that you are human and you make mistakes too. Secret moments were when a learners is in need of someone to listen them or pick up a pen or pencil from...