Bad experiences during my teaching practical
Hi everyone
Today, I want to share some bad experiences, don't worry the good ones will follow. It is just realistic to be aware that every day won't be easy and despite the bad days and/or moments, the good always outweigh the bad. If this isn't true, then you should go to another school or another job.
This school has a lot of problems with discipline. I believe it is because of society, leadership and the school and some teachers not enforcing discipline which then makes it a lot harder for other teachers.
I was looking after a class during the first week of the term, we were outside and I tried to talk to the learners and keep them from doing anything stupid. I started talking to a group of boys and of course they started asking me personal questions. Some I were comfortable enough to answer and others not. The next moment, in very inappropriate and I am unable to share them language, the one boy presumes to basically tell me he wants to get with me and what he wants to do to girls. Sexual manner I was able to stay absolutely calm, not making any facial expression and keeping eye contact. I just asked if he were serious. I then told him it is inappropriate, he shouldn't say anything like that to me or to any girl/woman even. He just said he was joking, I was not impressed. I didn't report this as I would be unable to repeat what was said or even identify the boy. I never saw him in any of my classes afterwards.
While teaching a class one day, a group of boys were sitting at the back of the class looking at me like a piece of meat. Although I was conservatively dressed and didn't say anything inappropriate or off topic. Next moment a boy asks me: "Ma'am, why do you look so sexy?". I stayed calm, but didn't know what to do. Luckily, two vice principals were in the hall and they dealt with him. I was in shock, between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry. Laugh, because of the absurdity, and cry, because of the inappropriateness. I didn't do or say anything wrong, and even in my personal life, no one has ever said anything like that to me ever.
One day, I locked my class to go the bathroom during my off period. One of the older teachers, 42 years in teaching, walked past. Her voice was gone from screaming, she told me she has a class but had things to do so she left them there. It was a class I new as disrespectful loud. On my way back to my class, I could here this class being loud. As I came closer I decided that I would just open the door and go inside, if the teacher was inside she wouldn't mind because she doesn't have a voice anyway. I opened the door, before a could access what was going on a girl was reversing into the doorway in which I was standing and a boy punched her in the face. Close enough to have punched me too. The teacher was no where to be seen and several learners were full of lotion for some reason. I took the boy out of the class and took him to the principal. He didn't received any punishment, as far as I know. I walked back to the class, the teacher and grade head was there. The whole class got into trouble and were punished, but not the teacher. The Department of Education clearly states that no teacher is allowed to leave a class unattended...I'm just saying.
The worst class ever, was the Mathematical Literacy class I was teaching for marks when a professor came to school to mark me. The professor was late and unprofessional. Luckily, one of my fellow student teachers brought him to class. The learners acted out a lot more than any other day when I was alone or with my mentor teacher. I made it clear from the very start of the class that I would enforce discipline, I don't care that the professor is there. I had to tell them and be very strict every single minute of the class. Some learners worked and others were very very rude on purpose. The professor just sat there, any other professor would have stood up and talk to the learners and put them in their place. I wasn't even finished with my lesson when he signalled me to conclude, very rude. He then talked to the class, proceeding to tell them how they would be beaten for their behaviour if they were in any of the schools within the townships. You simply can't say that to learners. He then talked to be about my mark, he gave me 58%. He explained that he doesn't make my teaching, but how the learners behave. He didn't say anything about my lesson plan, worksheet, assessment or classroom management. He even went on to tell me that that % is how much I am worth. I told him, no this is just a number, you don't mark fairly and I know my worth. This piece of paper (marksheet) means nothing to me. I turned around and walked into the class. He had to find his own way to leave the school. I was very upset indeed, I still don't understand the learners. He even went on to talk to the vice principal, who later told me he thinks the professor was under the influence of alcohol. The vice principal didn't think anything of what he said and the school emailed the university laying a complaint against him.
Moral of the story, know your worth. Don't let anyone tell you that you are less than what you am. Even if someone superior to you tells you so.
Have a wonderful day
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