19 July: Day 3

Hi everyone

Today the day felt longer than yesterday. I went to the same Accounting teacher's class today for first period and I like the way the teacher uses a document camera to teach. It does however limit the teacher to staying in one certain part of the classroom, but it might be remedied by forcing oneself to walk around as well. I point this out as this specific class is where I will be teaching. I will have to navigate my way through not staying at one spot but also connecting with the learners while teaching the content. 

I used an off period to work on another Math Lit lesson plan after which I went to a different Accounting teacher, I will call her Miss Rek, which gave me some different teaching techniques. She uses her laptop and projector to show the journals on the white board and then she fills them in using whiteboard parkers. This helps her to safe time and also enables her to stand in the middle of the class rather than at one side. 

In my opinion, both document cameras and projectors work well in Accounting classes it is only the way that you use it which will make it effective or ineffective for learning. Teachers are under a lot of pressure to teach, increase marks, connect with the learners, get through the curriculum and also have a lot of admin and planning to do. The fact that their timetables are fully packed doesn't help them and some may feel this restricts them and influences how they can teach and how they can assist learners. Some believe this plays a part in the pour results of the learners.

I have been typing some assignments for a teacher and working on my own lesson plans and portfolio. I'm working just like I have at university, to hopefully be able to take a break over the weekend. Today has been insightful and a good day. But I must admit, I'm glad tomorrow is Friday 😊

Have a great day

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